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Dirty Dancer! Intermediate Line Dance Stepsheet Jo Kinser (UK), Daniel Trepat (NL), Niels Poulsen (DK)

Dirty Dancer Intermediate Line Dance Stepsheet

Count : 64
Wall : 2
Level : Intermediate
Choreographers : Jo Kinser (UK),  Daniel Trepat (NL), Niels Poulsen (DK) October 2011
Music : Dirty Dancer by Enrique Iglesias feat. Usher.

Intro:  32 counts from first beat in music (app. 16 secs into track). Weight on L

1 Restart: During wall 5, after 48 counts, facing 12:00. 

1 – 8  Scuff hitch step, swivel swivel ¼ L, back rock side, behind turn step 
1&2  Scuff R heel fw (1), hitch R knee (&), step down R (2) 12:00
3&4 Swivel both heels R and fw (3), swivel both heels back to neutral (&), turn ¼ L swivelling heels ¼ R stepping onto R (4) 9:00
5&6  Rock back on L (5), recover on R (&), step L to L side (6)  9:00
7&8  Cross R behind L (7), turn ¼ L stepping fw on L (&), step fw on R (8)  6:00
9 – 16  L rock fw, together, R rock fw, ball touch, hold, R cross shuffle 
1 – 2&  Rock fw on L (1), recover back on R (2), step L next to R (&)  6:00
3 – 4&  Rock fw on R (3), recover back on L (4), step R next to L (&)  6:00
5 – 6&  Touch L slightly fw (5), hold (6), step slightly back on L (&)  6:00
7&8  Cross R over L (7), step L a small step to L side (&), cross R over L (8)  6:00

17 – 24  Side touches with bounces X 2, side touches with ½ turn L 
&1&2 Step L to L side (&), touch R next to L (1), hitch R knee (&), touch R next to L (2) –
styling: bend and stretch L knee to create a bouncing/pulsating effect  6:00
&3&4 Step R to R side (&), touch L next  to R (3), hitch L knee (&), touch L next to R (4) – styling: bend and stretch L knee to create a bouncing/pulsating effect    6:00
&5&6  Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (&), touch R next to L (5), step R to R side (&), touch L next to R (6)  3:00
&7&8  Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (&), touch R next to L (7), step R to R side (&), touch L next to R (8)  12:00
25 – 32  Ball step, R heel tap 3 times, fw L, body roll into Betty Boop move!!! 
&1&2  Step down on L (&), place R foot fw (1), lift R heel off the floor (&), tap R heel down (2)  12:00
&3&4  Lift R heel off the floor (&), tap R heel down (3), lift R heel off the floor (&), tap R heel down (4)  12:00
&5 – 6 Change weight to R (&), step L slightly fw leaning fw and starting a body roll fw and coming up (5),
finish body roll (6) 12:00
7 – 8  Change to R foot bending in knees and pushing your butt backwards (7), stand up recovering on L (8)  12:00
33 – 40  R rock fw, shuffle ½ R, L kick step lock step, rock fw R 
1 – 2  Rock fw on R (1), recover weight back on L (2)  12:00
3&4  Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (3), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ R stepping fw on R (4)  6:00
5&6&  Kick L fw (5), step down on L (&), lock R behind L (6), step fw on L (&)  6:00
7 – 8  Rock fw on R (7), recover back on L (8)  6:00
41 – 48  R back rock, step ½ L, R jazz box, step fw L 
1 – 2  Rock back on R (1), recover weight L (2)  6:00
:3 – 4   Step fw on R (3), turn ½ L stepping onto L (4)  12:00
5 – 6  Cross R over L (5), step back on L (6)  12:00
 7 – 8  Step R to R side (7), step fw on L (8) * Restart happens here during wall 5, facing 12:00 12:00
49 – 56  Extended R chasse, hold, together R side rock, together L side rock 
1&2&3  Step R to R side (1), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (2), step L to R (&),
step R to R side (3)  12:00
4 Hold (4) 12:00
&5 – 6  Step L next to R (&), rock R to R side (5), recover on L (6)  12:00
&7 - 8  Step R next to L (&), rock L to L side (7), recover on R (8)  12:00
57 – 64  L sailor ¼ L, R shuffle fw, modified ¾ R paddle turn with 4 stomps  
1&2  Cross L behind R (1), turn ¼ L stepping R in place (&), step fw on L (2)  9:00
3&4  Step fw on R (3), step L next to R (&), step fw on R (4)  9:00
5 – 6  Turn ¼ R stomping L to L side (5), push away with L turning ¼ R and stomping L to L
side (6)  3:00
7 – 8  Push away with L turning ¼ R and stomping L to L side (7), push away with L and stomp
L to L (8)  6:00
Begin again!...
Ending:  You’ll automatically end facing 12:00. Finish the whole dance, then Stomp fw onto your R foot  12:00

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